Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Lion, Africa, and Shoes

The lion is a large mammal. Lions are often called by "king of the jungle". Lions are mostly found in Africa and in a small reserve in India. They can live in cool areas, very hot areas or in thick forests. There were wild lions in Europe. Now, lions many live in zoos around the world. In the past they have lived in Northern India, Pakistan, and Arabia. Lions are also used as symbols representing courage. They appear in heraldry more often than any other animal. They are considered the king of beasts and the icon of courage and royalty.

Lions live for 10 to 14 years when they are in the wild. When they are captured, they can live longer than 20 years. In the wild, males don’t usually live longer than 10 years because wounds from fighting with other males make their lives shorter. They usually live in savanna and grassland, though they sometimes live in bushes and forests. Compared to other cats, lions are very social. A group of lions is called a pride. In a pride of lions, there are related females, their young, and a small number of adult males. Groups of female lions often hunt together.
Lions eat a lot of meat. Sometimes their teeth and claws of a lion can be colored differently from the rest of its body. Their tail is even described, if it is shown in an unusual way. A lion coward carries its tail between its hind legs.
Male lions usually weigh 159 to 250 kilograms. Lions don’t allow other carnivores to hunt in their territory. The female lions hunt the animals for the prides. At hunting lions are not built for speed like cheetas but are for stealth. They are ready to have young when she is 2-3 years old. Baby lions are called cubs. Cubs are born after 3 half months. Lions don’t have a home where they would live for a long time. The female lions conceals the cubs in thick bush, gullies or rocky outcrops. If the hiding place has been seen by other predators, then the lioness will move the cubs to a new hiding place. The cubs will be introduced to the pride about 6 weeks old. The cubs are very vulnerable when the lioness goes out to hunt and needs to leave the cubs behind. A litter of 2-6, usually 2-3, cubs are born and most of the time only 1-2 cubs survives until introduced to the pride where they have the protection of the whole pride.
Male Lion
Female Lion
Cub Lion

Africa is the world’s second largest and second most populous continent, with 53 different countries and home to more than a billion people. In some way it is the home to all people, as the origin of the human race. Africa is also home to more than 1100 mammal species, 2600 different bird species, 3000 fish species and probably way more than 100 000 insect species. One important reason for all this diversity is all the different climates you find in Africa, tropical areas with jungles and rain forests, dry deserts and even sub-arctic areas on the mountain peaks.
Africa is a place that full of people of all kinds, love and hate, beauty and horror, happiness and tragedy, rich and poor, full and empty, fast and slow, big and small, the colors of the rainbow, creatures of all categories, even uncategorized ones. African origin people have a black skin.

Natural resources are abundant in large parts of Africa, but due to tragic events like colonialism, war, dictators, diseases, exploitation, and bad leadership, the continent is still struggling with harsh poverty and underdevelopment. Africa is the most beautiful place, full of stunning scenery, colors, music, animals, happy people and a friendly pleasant vibe.
Africa is the largest of the three great southward projections from the largest landmass of the Earth. Separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea, it is joined to Asia at its northeast extremity by the Isthmus of Suez, 163 km wide. Africa's largest country is Algeria, and its smallest country is the Seychelles.
             The climate of Africa ranges from tropical to subarctic on its highest peaks. Its northern half is primarily desert or arid, while its central and southern areas contain both savanna plains and very dense jungle regions. Africa is the hottest continent on earth, drylands and deserts comprise 60% of the entire land surface.


Athletic shoe is a generic name for the footwear primarily designed for sports or other forms of physical exercise but in recent years has come to be used for casual everyday activities.
They are also known as kicks in American English, trainers in British English and Hong Kong English, trabs in British English, daps in Welsh English, sandshoes, gym boots or joggers in Australian English, running shoes in American Englis, sneakers in American English, Australian English, and Indian English, tennis shoes in British English and American English, gym shoes, tennies, sports shoes, sneaks, tackies in South African English and Hiberno-English, rubber shoes in Philippine English.
The term athletic shoes is typically used for running in a marathon or half marathon, basketball, and tennis (amongst others) but tends to exclude shoes for sports played on grass such as association football and rugby football, which are generally known as "Studs," or in North America as cleats.
                Attributes of an athletic shoe include a flexible sole, appropriate tread for the function ability. As the industry and design have expanded, the term athletic shoes are based more on the design of the bottom of the shoe than the aesthetics of the top of the shoe. Now designs include sandal, and elevated styles suitable for running, dancing and jumping. Many athletic shoes are made up to a very large size because of athletes with large feet.
                There are a variety of specialized shoes designed for specific uses such as racing flat, track shoe, skate shoe, climbing shoe, approach shoe, wrestling shoe, football boot, dance shoe.

Racing flat shoes

Football boot

Approach shoe

Dance shoe

Climbing shoe
Skate shoe
Track shoe
Wrestling shoe
By : Vincent


Describing Blue Whale, Paris, and Air Conditioner

The blue whale is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales called Mysticeti. It length 30 meters and 150 metric tons or more in weight, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed.

The blue whale has a long tapering body that appears stretched in comparison with the stockier build of other whales. The head is flat, U-shaped and has a prominent ridge running from the blowhole to the top of the upper lip. The front part of the mouth is thick. The dorsal fin is small visible only briefly during the dive sequence. It varies in shape from one individual to another, some only have a barely perceptible lump, but others may have prominent and falcate dorsals. When surfacing to breathe, the blue whale raises its shoulder and blowhole out of the water to a greater extent than other large whales, such as the fin whales. Observers can use this trait to differentiate between species at sea. Some blue whales in the North Atlantic and North Pacific raise their tail fluke when diving. Its lung capacity is 5.000 liters. Blue whales have twin blowholes shielded.
The flippers are 3–4 meters long. The upper sides are grey with a thin white border, the lower sides are white. The head and tail fluke are generally grey. The whale's upper parts, and sometimes the flippers, are usually mottled. The degree of mottling varies substantially from individual to individual. Some may have a slate-grey color, but others have a variation of dark blues, greys and blacks, all tightly mottled.

There were 5.000 to 12.000 blue whales worldwide, located in at least five groups. Before whaling, the largest population was in the Antarctic, numbering approximately 239.000. There remain only much smaller around 2.000 concentrations in each of the eastern North Pacific, Antarctic, and Indian Ocean groups. There are two more groups in the North Atlantic, and at least two in the Southern Hemisphere.
Paris is the capital of France and the heart-throb of Europe. Paris is a beautiful and a romantic city situated on the river Seine. It is an important center for culture, politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, arts and possesses several iconic landmarks.
The whole city is so lively and cheerful and the aura increases gradually as it gets darker and the city starts to twinkle like the stars and appears even more beautiful at night. The City of Paris has an estimated population of 2.153.600 within its administrative limits. The Paris unite urbaine is an area of unbroken urban growth that extends well beyond the administrative city limits and has a population of 9.93 million. A commuter belt around the unite urbaine completes the Paris metropolitan area, that with its population of 12 million is one of the most heavily populated areas in Europe.

Arc de Triomphe is the place which was constructed by Napoleon, Notre Dame, which is not only a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture, but has also been Catholic Paris ceremonial focus for several centuries. The Museum Louvre housed in Louvre Palace consists of the very famous Lovure Pyramids, Egyptian monuments, decorative arts and paintings and the very famous and beautiful painting of Mona Lisa.

Arc de Triomphe

Museum Louvre housed
Inside the Museum Louvre housed

The Paris Region hosts 36 of the Fortune Global 500 companies in several business districts, notably La Defense, the largest purpose built business district in Europe. Paris also hosts many international organizations such as UNESCO, the OECD, the ICC and the informal Paris Club.
Paris is the most popular tourist destination in the world, with over 30 million foreign visitors per year. There are numerous iconic landmarks among its many attractions, along with world famous institutions and popular parks.
Air conditioning is the process of altering the properties of air to more favourable conditions. More generally, air conditioning can refer to any form of technological cooling, heating, ventilation, or disinfection that modifies the condition of air.
An air conditioner is a home appliance, system, or mechanism designed to change the air temperature and humidity within an area that used for cooling and sometimes heating depending on the air properties at a given time.
The basic concept behind air conditioning is known to have been applied in ancient Egypt where reeds hung in windows had water trickling down. The evaporation of water cooled the air blowing through the window, though this process also made the air more humid. The first air conditioners and refrigerators employed toxic or flammable gases, such as ammonia, methyl chloride, or propane that could result in fatal accidents when they leaked.
In the refrigeration cycle, a heat pump transfers heat from a lower-temperature heat source into a higher-temperature heat sink. Heat would naturally flow in the opposite direction. This is the most common type of air conditioning. A refrigerator works in much the same way, as it pumps the heat out of the interior and into the room in which it stands.
This cycle takes advantage of the way phase changes work, where latent heat is released at a constant temperature during a liquid or gas phase change, and where varying the pressure of a pure substance also varies its boiling point.

By : Joselin

Kamis, 20 September 2012

Tugu tani accident

         Afriani Susanti was suspected of the accident on 22nd January at Tugu Tani , Jakarta.
She was drove her car into a pedestrians who just came to Jakarta to saw a Monas. She was drunk when she was drove her car , when she was drove she just finished her party at Borrobudur Hotel, and she was drove her car at dawn, and then suddenly she was hit the pedestrians at Tugu Tani. The accident causes 9 people died and serious damaged to 4 other people.
         Afriani Susanti was charged for Artivle 338 of the criminal code on murder with sentence of 20 years in prison, article 311 of the 2009 traffic law with sentence of 12 years in prison and charged for drugs article.
         So I think she was worth for the punishment she was get it, because she was drove her car in drunk condition and she was killed 9 people and make four other people in serious damage condition.

 By : Vincent

Kamis, 06 September 2012

Afriyani Susanti

                  Afriani Susanti was the suspect of the accident that happened on January 22rd. She drove her car into a group of pedestrians, claiming nine lives and severely injuring four other people. She was found in a critical condition because she was high.
            Afriani Susanti is guilty for crasing those pedestrians. Afriyani Susanti is charged for : Artivle 338 of the criminal code on murder with sentence of 20 years in prison, article 311 of the 2009 traffic law with sentence of 12 years in prison and charged for drugs article.
            So, Afriyani Susanti is guilty and should go to prison. It was hwe fault to because an accident like this.

                              Here are some pictures to share :)
By : Joselin

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Heartstrings ♥

Check this out, readers. It's daaamnnn SWEET DRAMA!! Loving the story, the actor, the actress :D